047: Breast Screening & Mammograms | Future (Part 2)

Pink Ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness

We continue the second episode of this two part series on breast screening and mammograms focusing on the future.

In this episode, we talk about the importance of breast density as a new risk factor, personalised breast cancer risk assessment (iPrevent developed by Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre https://www.petermac.org/iprevent), and discuss a personal account with Dr Sandy Minck.

Special guests:

  • Associate Professor Michelle Reintals is the Director of BreastScreen South Australia and an Australian trained radiologist with extensive and international experience in breast screening and mammography.
  • Professor Kelly-Anne Phillips is a medical oncologist who cares for breast cancer patients and is a researcher at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre that is internationally recognised in breast cancer genetics and treatment.

  • Doctor Sandy Minck is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and an advocate for breast density awareness and personalised risk assessments. She has personal experience in this area as both a doctor and a patient.

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