This Medical Life Podcast Show Notes
Here is our library of show notes for all episodes of the This Medical Life podcast. You can also find This Medical Life episodes directly in your favourite podcast app on your smartphone, or in audio streaming services like Spotify. This Medical Life was named as a finalist for Best Education Podcast at the 2022 Australian Podcast Awards. Dr Travis Brown is the Producer and Co-host of the This Medical Life podcast.
Episode 73: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) | Part 3: Management
Patients with colorectal cancer often have their diagnosis, treatment, and care discussed at a regular multidisciplinary team meeting. This includes: gastroenterologists, surgeons, oncology, radiation oncology,
Episode 72: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) | Part 2: Diagnosis
The lifetime risk for colorectal cancer is 1 in 23 men and 1 in 25 women. Detecting and diagnosing cancer is a critical step in
Episode 71: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) | Part 1: Screening
Colorectal cancer accounts for ~10% of all new cancer diagnoses. Fortunately, over the last three decades, the 5 year patient survival has increased from 56%
Episode 70: Understanding Troponin | As Serious As A Heart Attack
Troponin is a protein found in heart muscle that was a game changer when it came to diagnosing heart attacks and myocardial injury in the
Episode 100 Well Kinda | Historical autopsy of Oscar Wilde
Our eagle-eyed This Medical Life podcast listeners will wonder why we have called this episode 100 … is that right? Well, it kinda is. If
Episode 68: Janine Watson | Taking the challenge head on
Throughout history, humanity has been captivated by heroes overcoming immense challenges—from ancient legends to modern Marvel icons. In this episode, Dr Travis Brown and Steve
Episode 67: Season 5 | Reflections And Highlights
In this episode, Steve Davis and Dr. Travis Brown reflect on the journey through Series 5 of This Medical Life. From discussing the impact of
Episode 66: Thyroid Lumps | The Good, The Bad, And The Nodules – Part Two
Thyroid lumps have always been with us. Often referred to as goitres (interpreted from Latin to mean neck swelling), numerous ancient medical sources mention these and
Episode 65: Thyroid Lumps | The Good, The Bad, And The Nodules – Part One
Thyroid lumps have always been with us. Often referred to as goitres (interpreted from Latin to mean neck swelling), numerous ancient medical sources mention these and
Episode 64: Pregnancy And Epilepsy | Dispelling The Myths
A common myth about epilepsy is that women who suffer from this condition should avoid getting pregnant. This is simply not true. It can be
Episode 63: Tonsillectomies | To Excise Or Not To Excise
Tonsillectomies are one of the most common operations both today and historically, however, it has always been mired in controversy. In ancient times, this was
Episode 62: Lactose intolerance | Udderly unbearable
Over two-thirds of the world’s population lose the ability to metabolise during their lifetime (the majority during childhood). We know today that lactose intolerance, or