In July 2020 in the midst of a global pandemic, we released our first episode called ‘What is pathology?’ with This Pathological Life podcast. We hoped to create something that would entertain and education the audiencem and shed light on to some of the amazing stories and characters in medicine.
In creating these podcasts, I am always thankful and appreciative to our guests who willingly give their time and expertise. If there is anyone who has excited our audience, been an inspiring teacher and a fantastic storyteller, it is Professor Graeme Suthers. He has been involved in the following episodes over the last four years:
This Medical Life podcast:
- Ep 40 Carrier screening
- Ep 30 BRCA (Part 1)
- Ep 21 Marfan syndrome
- Ep 15 Lynch syndrome
- Ep 10 Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
This Pathological Life podcast:
- Ep 45 Pharmacogenetics
- Ep 44 PKU and Cystic Fibrosis
- Ep 33 Fragile X
- Ep 13 Trisomy / Chromosomal abnormalities
On the 30th of June 2023, Professor Graeme Suthers retired and we wanted to take some time to thank him, but also ask him some questions and reflect on his career.
This Medical Life podcast is available on all podcasting services and Spotify.