This Medical Life Podcast Show Notes
Here is our library of show notes for all episodes of the This Medical Life podcast. You can also find This Medical Life episodes directly in your favourite podcast app on your smartphone, or in audio streaming services like Spotify. This Medical Life was named as a finalist for Best Education Podcast at the 2022 Australian Podcast Awards. Dr Travis Brown is the Producer and Co-host of the This Medical Life podcast.

Episode 62: Lactose intolerance | Udderly unbearable
Over two-thirds of the world’s population lose the ability to metabolise during their lifetime (the majority during childhood). We know today that lactose intolerance, or

Episode 61: Pelvic Pain And Endometriosis | More Than The Black Spots
Pelvic pain is a difficult and challenging medical condition for both patients and doctors. It can be debilitating for women that can begin as a

Episode 60: Vitamin B6 | ViB6ranium
Vitamin B6 is a common additive in supplements, energy drinks and breakfast cereals. In rare circumstances though, it can reach levels toxic levels and cause

Episode 59: Scleroderma | Arboreal Integument
Scleroderma is a disease characterised by the hardening and tightening of the skin and connective tissues. The first medical description can be traced back to

Episode 58: Ticking the spotted fever box | Rickettsia
In 1901, the state of Montana organised for scientists and doctors to investigate a mysterious illness from the Bitterroot Valley called ‘Black measles’ and ‘Black

Episode 57: Fantastic Faeces and Where to find pathogens | Metapanel
Our understanding of infectious disease and pathology stems from the 19th century with Robert Koch pioneering research. Dr Koch help to shaped modern microbiology and medicine

Episode 56: The Iron-Clad Chronicles | Iron Studies
In episode 56 of This Medical Life, Dr Travis Brown and Steve Davis delve into the critical topic of iron studies, with a special focus

Episode 55: Pomegranate Health | Fighting The Good Fight
In this episode we delve into the nuanced world of the Pomegranate Health podcast with our guest, Mic Cavazzini. Pomegranate Health, a creation of the

Episode 54: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) | Advocacy And Prevention, Part 2
In Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Part 1, we learned that CTE is a neurodegenerative disease caused by repetitive cumulative brain injury. Patients suffer from debilitating

Episode 53: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) | The Disease, Part 1
In 2005, Dr Bennet Omalu would publish a report in the United States on the autopsy brain findings of a former professional footballer from the

Episode 52 : This Medical Life Podcast Now With CPD
We begin this year with one of the most important topics for General Practitioners in 2024: what are the Continuous Professional Development requirements for doctors

051: TML Season wrap-up | Common things…no, rare things…wait, um, okay whatever
Another year done! Thank you to all our wonderful guests and our wonderful listeners.