This Medical Life Podcast Show Notes
Here is our library of show notes for all episodes of the This Medical Life podcast. You can also find This Medical Life episodes directly in your favourite podcast app on your smartphone, or in audio streaming services like Spotify. This Medical Life was named as a finalist for Best Education Podcast at the 2022 Australian Podcast Awards. Dr Travis Brown is the Producer and Co-host of the This Medical Life podcast.
049: Professor Graeme Suthers | In Graeme We Trust
This is the story of Professor Graeme Suthers.
048: Prostate Cancer Screening | PSA on PSAs
On the 1st of November 2023, the Australian Government will release new guidelines for screening prostate cancer with the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test.
047: Breast Screening & Mammograms | Future (Part 2)
This is the second part of a two-part series on breast screening, focusing on the future.
046: Breast Screening & Mammograms | Present (Part 1)
This is the first part of a two-part series on breast screening, focusing on the present.
045: Fact Today, Fiction(?) Tomorrow | Sam Arbesman and the Half-Life of Facts
What is the rate of change in the field of medicine?
044: Vitamin D (Part 2) | A Ray of Evidence-based Sunshine
This is the second chapter in the story of Vitamin D.
043: Professor Peter Doherty | Immunological Self vs Non-self
This is the story of Professor Peter Doherty.
042: The Double Helix Structure of DNA | Finding Franklin
This is the story of the DNA double helix.
041: Faecal Microbiome | All About Poo
This is the story of the faecal microbiome
040: Carrier Screening | The Hunt for Recessive Genes
This is the story of carrier screening
039: Influenza | Attack of the Intangible Fluid
This is the story of influenza.
038: The MMR Vaccine Deception | A Fraud of Epidemic Proportions
This is the story of the MMR vaccine fraud.