In 1901, the state of Montana organised for scientists and doctors to investigate a mysterious illness from the Bitterroot Valley called ‘Black measles’ and ‘Black typhus’. People of all ages were affected but predominantly those who worked in the brush and were exposed to tick bites. The investigators called it ‘tick fever’ and this particular strain had a mortality rate over eighty percent.
Today this disease is known as Rocky Mountain spotted fever. In Australia, it is sometimes called ‘spotted fever’ or ‘Queensland tick typhus’. It is caused by an obligate intracellular bacterial micro-organism (needs a cell to survive). This organism is very difficult to culture and can be even more difficult to diagnose but surprisingly easy to treat. Rickettsial disease is an under-recognised infection and important in the differential diagnosis of any patients presenting with fevers, headaches and rash.
This is the story of Rickettsia
Our special guest:
Our special guest is Professor Stephen Graves who is a medical microbiology and founder of the Australian Rickettsial Reference Laboratory (ARRL). He specialises is infectious diseases transmitted by ectoparasites such as ticks, lice, fleas and mites.
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