Episode Eight | Mesothelioma An undisolvable problem

Episode Eight | Mesothelioma An undisolvable problem

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of silk-like soft flexible fibres that are resistant to fire, heat, electricity, and chemical damage. Known from antiquity as a miracle product and believed to possess magical powers, there was only one problem; it’s toxic to humans. Inhaled fibres are responsible for diseases including asbestosis (pulmonary fibrosis), lung cancer, and mesothelioma.

However, the long latency period between exposure and disease development paved the way for numerous examples of unconscionable conduct from Asbestos manufacturers in modern times.

This podcast includes an interview with Dr Fergus Whitehead and is eligible for 1 RACGP CPD point – self reporting.


12:09 Part Two
17:58 Part Three

Thank you to the Scottish National Theatre for the snippet “A Mugs Game | Scene for Survival” read by Johnnie Watson. We were granted 1 min of audio under promotional rights – and we feel it was worth it.

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