Here is our library of show notes for all episodes of the This Medical Life podcast. You can also find This Medical Life episodes directly in your favourite podcast app on your smartphone, or in audio streaming services like Spotify.

Episode Twenty Three | Health IT Security | Avoiding the flat line
The implications for Healthcare to lose control or access to the IT systems is literally life threatening. The first confirmed fatality occurred when a Ransomware

Episode Twenty Four | Radiation | Invisible death
The discovery of radiation was a monumental achievement in human history. Marie Curie isolated Radium and Polonium from the mineral pitchblende, and received two Nobel

Episode Twenty Two | Drugs of Addiction | Medicinal binds
Humans have always had a complex relationship with drugs: some help us; some heal us; and some hurt us. The problem with the drugs of

Episode Twenty One | Health Data and Data Governance | Coming of Age
Health data is the most personal official records we will ever have. It can contain everything from the medications we regularly take, all the way

Episode Twenty | Helicobacter pylori | The No Acid No Ulcer Fallacy
In 1983, Dr Robin Warren and Dr Barry Marshall embarked upon a study to investigate the significance of bacterial found in the stomachs of ulcer

Episode Nineteen | Endometriosis – The tragedy of the wandering womb
Since ancient times, all manner of diseases have been attributed to the uterus. Theories range from a wandering womb yearning for motherhood to the psychological

Episode Eighteen | CML | Cancer’s Magic bul-Let
‘You have cancer’ It must be the most dreaded sentence in modern society. Our fear of cancer is well founded and for those suffering from

Episode Seventeen | Alcohol | The Intemperance Of Humankind
Our love affair with alcohol is as old as civilization itself. Every culture and religion have traditions, attitudes and laws that ranges from governing celebrations

Episode Sixteen | Tuberculosis | TB Downunder
Tuberculosis has had many names throughout human history: Phthisis, Robber of youth, the white plague, consumption. It wasn’t until 1865 that Jean Antonine Villemin proved

Episode Fifteen | Diabetes Mellitus | The Honey Siphon
Sugar is as addictive as nicotine and as toxic as … well, sugar. Diabetes mellitus is the fastest growing chronic disease and the not-so-silent potentially