Episode 74: The Story Of Stories
And we’re back for 2025. We thought we’d ease into this season with some medical stories. From the Manhattan project

Episode 73: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) | Part 3: Management
Patients with colorectal cancer often have their diagnosis, treatment, and care discussed at a regular multidisciplinary team meeting. This includes:

Episode 72: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) | Part 2: Diagnosis
The lifetime risk for colorectal cancer is 1 in 23 men and 1 in 25 women. Detecting and diagnosing cancer

Episode 71: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) | Part 1: Screening
Colorectal cancer accounts for ~10% of all new cancer diagnoses. Fortunately, over the last three decades, the 5 year patient

Episode 70: Understanding Troponin | As Serious As A Heart Attack
Troponin is a protein found in heart muscle that was a game changer when it came to diagnosing heart attacks

Episode 100 Well Kinda | Historical autopsy of Oscar Wilde
Our eagle-eyed This Medical Life podcast listeners will wonder why we have called this episode 100 … is that right?

Episode 68: Janine Watson | Taking the challenge head on
Throughout history, humanity has been captivated by heroes overcoming immense challenges—from ancient legends to modern Marvel icons. In this episode,

Episode 67: Season 5 | Reflections And Highlights
In this episode, Steve Davis and Dr. Travis Brown reflect on the journey through Series 5 of This Medical Life.

Episode 66: Thyroid Lumps | The Good, The Bad, And The Nodules – Part Two
Thyroid lumps have always been with us. Often referred to as goitres (interpreted from Latin to mean neck swelling), numerous ancient

Episode 65: Thyroid Lumps | The Good, The Bad, And The Nodules – Part One
Thyroid lumps have always been with us. Often referred to as goitres (interpreted from Latin to mean neck swelling), numerous ancient

Episode 64: Pregnancy And Epilepsy | Dispelling The Myths
A common myth about epilepsy is that women who suffer from this condition should avoid getting pregnant. This is simply

Episode 63: Tonsillectomies | To Excise Or Not To Excise
Tonsillectomies are one of the most common operations both today and historically, however, it has always been mired in controversy.

Episode 62: Lactose intolerance | Udderly unbearable
Over two-thirds of the world’s population lose the ability to metabolise during their lifetime (the majority during childhood). We know

Episode 61: Pelvic Pain And Endometriosis | More Than The Black Spots
Pelvic pain is a difficult and challenging medical condition for both patients and doctors. It can be debilitating for women

Episode 60: Vitamin B6 | ViB6ranium
Vitamin B6 is a common additive in supplements, energy drinks and breakfast cereals. In rare circumstances though, it can reach

Episode 59: Scleroderma | Arboreal Integument
Scleroderma is a disease characterised by the hardening and tightening of the skin and connective tissues. The first medical description

Episode 58: Ticking the spotted fever box | Rickettsia
In 1901, the state of Montana organised for scientists and doctors to investigate a mysterious illness from the Bitterroot Valley

Episode 57: Fantastic Faeces and Where to find pathogens | Metapanel
Our understanding of infectious disease and pathology stems from the 19th century with Robert Koch pioneering research. Dr Koch help to

Episode 56: The Iron-Clad Chronicles | Iron Studies
In episode 56 of This Medical Life, Dr Travis Brown and Steve Davis delve into the critical topic of iron

Episode 55: Pomegranate Health | Fighting The Good Fight
In this episode we delve into the nuanced world of the Pomegranate Health podcast with our guest, Mic Cavazzini. Pomegranate

Episode 54: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) | Advocacy And Prevention, Part 2
In Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Part 1, we learned that CTE is a neurodegenerative disease caused by repetitive cumulative brain

Episode 53: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) | The Disease, Part 1
In 2005, Dr Bennet Omalu would publish a report in the United States on the autopsy brain findings of a

Episode 52 : This Medical Life Podcast Now With CPD
We begin this year with one of the most important topics for General Practitioners in 2024: what are the Continuous

051: TML Season wrap-up | Common things…no, rare things…wait, um, okay whatever
Another year done! Thank you to all our wonderful guests and our wonderful listeners.

050: Menopause | Let’s Talk
4 special guests join us to discuss menopause as a natural part of ageing

049: Professor Graeme Suthers | In Graeme We Trust
This is the story of Professor Graeme Suthers.

048: Prostate Cancer Screening | PSA on PSAs
On the 1st of November 2023, the Australian Government will release new guidelines for screening prostate cancer with the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test.

047: Breast Screening & Mammograms | Future (Part 2)
This is the second part of a two-part series on breast screening, focusing on the future.

046: Breast Screening & Mammograms | Present (Part 1)
This is the first part of a two-part series on breast screening, focusing on the present.

045: Fact Today, Fiction(?) Tomorrow | Sam Arbesman and the Half-Life of Facts
What is the rate of change in the field of medicine?